Electric towing tractors750

Electric tow tractor 750

The focus of the development of this vehicle was the anchoring of a distinct quality with the consciousness to transport heavy loads over steep ascents and descents (caterpillars) safely.
The clients from the automotive industry wanted an increase in flexibility, agility and innovation. Additionally, the ability to deal with "robust operator processes" has been specified. The vehicle should primarily prefer a steel construction and the booth technology resistive elements.
2x11kW (60min value) motors move 16.5 unbraked trailer loads over max. 10% inclines and slow it down safely. At 14 km/h, the vehicle is cordoned off for safety. With a sophisticated fail-safe technology, the vehicle brakes the train load by pressing the emergency stop button fully automatically until reaching standstill. On unfavorable, for e.g. wet driving surfaces, the electronic limited slip differential becomes effective and prevents a breakout of the vehicle.
Booth, hydraulic power steering, self-monitoring electronic units, rear coil springs, dampers, maintenance-free oil immersed multi disc brakes, Rockinger coupling and the fast possible lateral battery change are implemented as a series.
The focus is the anchoring of distinctive quality awareness with high functionality.
The driver benefits from the clear positioning of the brand "PEFRA" and a personal positive image.
Users and owners can configure our model 750 individually to use its entire complexity. Radio* CD player*, air conditioners*, galvanized chassis* and booths*, air brake systems for trailers*, etc. are possible for optimal designs.
Meanwhile, a variety of 750s meets the expectations in single and multi-shift operation in defense technology and industrial field reliably.
Die Details können der technischen Fahrzeugbeschreibung des Basismodells 750 entnommen werden.
* Surcharge
** halted towing capacity

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Special equipment is not included in the price of the basic equipment configuration of the vehicle.

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